Quote Originally Posted by Arbane View Post
If you want a good laugh and an amazing example of D&D's inability to actually emulate any of the fantasy fiction that inspired it, search for Gary Gygax's AD&D write-up of Conan for Dragon Magazine. Sky-high stats, level 10+ in multiple classes, and 'unconscious' psionic powers. It was basically Gygax throwing up his hands and saying "no matter HOW high-level your character gets, they can NEVER be this cool!"
Same phenomenon, closer to home: look at the 3.X statblock of any FR novel character in the FRCS. It's not just Drizzt and Elminster.

Quote Originally Posted by Arbane View Post
(I think Conan is officially a superhero now, as he's joining a team of Avengers in the comics. the mind boggles...)
god damn it, I have been working on this fanfic for ten years now.