Ilven makes absolutely certain that the gate is locked this time, turning the heavy iron key more forcefully than necessary and rattling the chains to make sure the gate is as secure as it ever was. Can’t have any beasts escaping to the City proper, especially now he’d had a taste of their claws. As for Kaylin, were she trapped on the other side... well, if she’d survived days in Old Halmathan, a locked gate wouldn’t stop her.

“Thank you,” he replies to Daun as her magic keeps him alive for the... fourth time tonight. “While I do think that upstart with a firearm needs to be taught a lesson... there’s no point getting in a fight rigged in his favor, and we can’t get in any fight at all if we can’t find him. Perhaps the magically-inclined among us could scry on him, get a look at his position. If we know where he is, we can better judge which streets will get us shot to bits, and perhaps spot a way up, as flying seems to be a poor choice.”

For the second time in more than a century, Ilven draws his ornamental rapier for purposes other than cleaning. This time, he offers it to Kalir. “Until we get Thresher. You never know what will go wrong between now and then. Probably don’t want to risk using that blasted axe in the City proper...” Not after what happened the last time that horrible weapon saw blood.

Spoiler: An offer

Nothing special, just +1 rapier. Seems right for the guy with Gascoigne’s axe on his enemies list to offer.