Quote Originally Posted by Eurus View Post
It's possible that you would enjoy the game more if it didn't have control archetypes, but a lot of people wouldn't. I don't play control, but I appreciate that it keeps certain deck types from getting too dominant and gives aggro a good niche to exploit.

Believe it or not, this is one of the less control heavy metas as far as I recall? Creatures keep getting bigger and stronger and more resilient with each set lately, and control has relatively weak counterspells. No Mana Leak, no Snapcaster, the only four Mana board wipes either have limited applicability (Ritual of Soot) or a rough Mana cost (Kaya's Wrath, very tough to drop on turn four reliably). Even the two Mana removal slot feels much weaker than it's been in the past. W/U/B control is definitely a good deck right now but I don't feel it's meta dominating to an unhealthy level.
I mean that's fair. Even if control decks aren't that strong, the strengths they do have are absurd. Teferi is a little pushed.