I realize I'm wasting my time in responding to Magic_Hat's idiocy, but I do want to write on the topic on more general terms anyway.

One of the big concerns going into the film was the "reset button". They were going to undo everything Infinity War did, and made it obvious prior to the fact by scheduling movies for characters who got dusted and having the actors playing characters who got dusted talk about taking part in the big fight scene. You know, all that jazz.

And having seen the film, "reset button" is the absolute LAST term I would use to describe it. There are multiple characters who died in Infinity War and are staying dead, because they were not killed by The Snap and these aren't the Dragon Balls being used to "wish back everybody killed by Thanos". Loki is dead, Gamora is dead, Vision is dead. That stuck. The people that weren't snapped having to live through 5 years of hell as society basically collapsed from having over half the population disappear? That stuck too. The world moving forward will be a very different place than it was prior to Infinity War/Endgame, and Marvel has always kept the large world-changing events in mind when progressing the MCU.

Furthermore, a reset button implies that status quo has returned. And it VERY much hasn't. Stark is dead. Black Widow is dead. Captain America is retired. Thor has stepped down. Banner has taken the events of the movie and used them to fix his conflict with the Hulk and find peace. The new Gamora running around is a pre-GotG version who didn't experience the events that made her fall in love with Quill, thoroughly changing the character dynamic in that franchise. What happens to the Avengers now that their leadership is gone? We don't know.

In terms of "world shaking universe changes", it's difficult to be more thorough than Endgame actually was. If you expected the Snap to stick, you're a fool. No matter who they picked, Marvel was never going to obliterate half their roster with no narrative weight behind the event. It simply wasn't going to happen. Instead, they've done what I expected they would do - they retired a large number of the older heroes by giving them a full movie to themselves.

And that brings me to one final point. I've seen a few posters saying that they thought the movie failed by not featuring Captain Marvel more. I am extremely glad that she wasn't around. I greatly enjoyed her movie and think Brie Larson has done a great job with the character, but this was not her movie. This was all about the original Avengers, and the focus was squarely on them where it should be. They gave her a moment to shine just like all the other new heroes, but they very deliberately stopped her from overshadowing things with her power level. That was the entire point of the start of the movie, where she shows up with a gung-ho "I'm going to kick Thanos's ass single-handedly" attitude. Sorry, but it's not that sort of movie. It's a much more reflective affair looking back on 15 years of cinematic history. She'll get her chance to shine in the next big crossover.