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Thread: What can Muggles do?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: What can Muggles do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    The funny thing is, given Voldy's monumental arrogance and utter disdain for anything muggle... I doubt he even understands the sort of threat that a skilled sniper with a large rifle over half a mile away actually would pose... it's not like he goes around with a "deflect bullets" spell on at all times.
    Wizards are surprisingly squishy in the Potterverse... like, a punch to the mouth, or grabbing their wand before they speak, or shooting at them would easily take them down...

    They do have defensive spells that could make them bulletproof, but very few bother to learn them... hell, Harry had to learn basic defensive spells on his own, and his foes never use them...

    The main reason behind Wizard superiority is that muggles can't know who is a Wizard with a wand in their pocket, and they can even make themselves invisible and erase nemories, so muggles don't even know they have a rival to beat...

    If Wizards were smarter and more disciplined then yes, they could beat muggles easily even if a fair fight, but Harry Potter's Wizards are a bunch of lazy, ignorant, chauvinist hicks who can't be bothered to learn basic defensive spells during a magical war...
    Last edited by Clistenes; 2019-04-28 at 11:49 AM.