Spoiler: OOC
They are speaking undercommon.

Also by horse I assume you mean beetle?

Quote Originally Posted by Stormwolf69 View Post
As the guard Asks for the leader to step forward. (This is in common now, right or under common) Bloodraven decides to humor him as he was just doing his job as the as walks forward. With his hands behind his back signaling the wizard and sword maiden and the cleric to accompany him. As a party of three. As he turns to the guard saying “Given that my company does not know the area is there anywhere near by to water and feed the horses well the others wait.” As he looks at the mage, he is leavening he says to her “You might as well, find some were to set up a camp. This could be a while given how much Bureaucracy we will have to deal with.”
"Water and feed will be provided for your animals should bookkeeping end up taking long enough, same idea with the people still waiting. That should be just after mid-rote." details Hernce. "Stables and lodging will be for rent inside".

Quote Originally Posted by Stormwolf69 View Post
As he goes with the guards, he allows them to frisk and him and does not give away any real info about the magic items he has like his gloves.

Given that he is very confident both his skills and powers. He diced to not try anything funny for now. But when seeing the Medusa. Look he knows to avoid looking at her eyes. As he says to her “A Medusa now this is a surprise. And a very attritive one at that.” As he tries to charm a shake woman. But were is my manours by name is Bloodraven. Yours my dear?”
"Nice try," the medusa says flatly before directing your gaze back to the softer looking of the wax tablets "Handprint. Here." she prompts.

Quote Originally Posted by Stormwolf69 View Post
Answering Here's question. "Yes, I asked the overseer of the serpent people in the fields to take me to how is in charge they named this mistress Hesychia if you don’t mind me asking what are you willing to tell me about her? As I am surprised that that they speak under common and yet on the surface."
Spoiler: OOC
Actually you are underground. The whole city is.

After your poorly received efforts at flirting Hernce replies with a short burst of laughter.

"Well she's what you'd to expect from a noble. Talk was she was looking to take a seat on the tribunal once but these days seems content to spread her resources around. Back to business though. After we get your print we need a record of your race and what brings you here".