"And I suppose you do favor predators in your..."
Ilven gestures vaguely, as if releasing a fluttering bird. Is there even a polite term for 'becoming a feral creature and mauling your enemies'? "I shouldn't be surprised that the great bear eats meat."
But as for the philosophy... that's less simple.

"You could also argue that there's a difference between people and animals. Well, more than the obvious. I'd assumed you may avoid meat because it could be cannibalism, in a way. I wouldn't eat a gnome or an orc any more than I'd eat an elf. Those who become animals... might not want to eat them."

He tilts his head to one side. "When you transform, how much of you becomes a beast, anyhow? You speak, fling spells... but do you think in the same way as you do now?"