Kalir gives a gracious smile and nod to the dwarf. "Thank you very much. I look forward to the boar." The raptoran lickes his lips. He's equally ingratiated for Sir Ilven beating him to the punch with the silver coins.

"Daun embraces nature more than I ever will comprehend, but to me eating the meat of animals and avoiding being eaten is part of nature. Hunting is a way of life for raptorans out in the wilderness. Duthila, our goddess of the hunt and abundance, guides us in our hunts so it can't be that off track." Kalir pauses while briefing rolling his lips inward in thought. "Not being eaten is something we need to work on more. We've been meeting our match lately with close calls. I'm glad we're all on this side of life still."

"Seems we'll be headed back to the soot. Now we need Kaylin and my weapon. Hard to believe that creature got away so cleanly. We should have a basic plan for dealing with that creature and whoever that shooter is before facing them again. For the creature we'll have to cut off its escape routes and be ready to all strike hard together. Perhaps an illusion from the archmage to waste its attacks. For the shooter, if it can't see me invisible I may have to go hunt it myself. See how fearsome it is without the contraption. Illusions for targets can help locate it and waste its time. A pity we can't get them to talk."