Quote Originally Posted by The_Weirdo View Post
There is none, until someone organizes a group that waits for the two sides to nearly destroy themselves and then suddenly takes over.
Funny you should say that. That's exactly the strategy of the Thalmor, arguably the most imperialistic faction in the Elder Scrolls 'verse, who among other things believe in their own racial supremacy and are actively seeking a way to destroy the world and remake it in their own image. They can be accurately described as "Nazi elves" for the most part, which I would think you would be against moreso than even the Tamrielic Empire. Even more ironic is that they're the ones responsible for the Stormcloak rebellion in the first place- they effectively brainwashed Ulfric into having the mentality needed to lead such a rebellion, and then forced the Talos ban on the Empire by the means of the White-Gold Concordat, sowing the seeds from which the rebellion would grow.

It's entirely arguable that the Empire is being oppressed here, in that it's having its hand forced by a bigger, stronger military force to do something it really doesn't want to do (Talos/Tiber Septim was their first emperor, after all) and suffering for it badly.

(Incidentally, I find myself fighting for the Imperials almost every time when I play Skyrim; re-unifying the country is a tall order, but a good first step is getting the fighting to stop, which the Dragonborn can do relatively quickly and decisively. The game doesn't let you play the political side of this much, but from there, I'd go with rallying the Stormcloak remnants behind the Dragonborn as a leader (making the oft-repeated connection between themselves and Tiber Septim), while still remaining loyal to the Empire (of Talos) and therefore re-unifying the two factions in practical terms, if not entirely in spirit. Plus, the Empire is more interested in stability than the Stormcloaks, are better at it in terms of infrastructure, and the one major gripe (the Talos ban) I'd have with them isn't their own; contrast that with Stormcloaks, who are typically openly, brazenly racist for no other reason than "Well, they ain't a Nord".