The ring on Kalir's right hand kept him nourished but he still enjoyed having some food occasionally. It would also be wrong to turn down such hospitality and respect freely given. His body and the magic in the ring would adjust.

"Yes, taking down a building even with Thresher would have its issues. Better to find the building he's in and find a way to approach out of sight, even it is up the stairs within that building. Traveling there at night may give him more the advantage since we'll be in the lit street level while he's up out of the light. Either way we should be prepared to deal with the air there. I suggest picking up some Auran Masks before heading back. Some potions might be useful too- flight, invisibility, so on."

"Daun, did you ever hear back from the Castafernis after our excursion on their request? Or was the letter from Roland meant to be from them too?"

"All three of us have seen much better days. I suggest we go find a healer before retiring for the night."

After a light meal, a single drink, and chatting with the others Kalir will, hopefully with the others, seek out a healer for their skills. Healed, he'll join Daun at Glendale as offered.

At Glendale, Kalir sets up his bedroll in the suggested spot and is happy for any chat with Daun. In the morning he'll find a small clearing to himself and practices his weapon forms, this time with the Hunter's Axe. He calls upon the Diamond Mind discipline to keep his mind focused. After weapons practice Kalir let's Daun know of his plans. He heads to the market where he sells the masterwork dagger from The Barber (151gp) and use it to buy two Auran Masks (120gp). If nothing else comes up, he flies back to Glendale.