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Thread: [IC] The Mysterious Case of New Ceres

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC] The Mysterious Case of New Ceres

    The two brothers look at one another, conversing quickly in ysoki as they considered the offer. From what Kane could tell, Titus was quite excited by the offer, while Brutus was calmer about the whole thing. That was the way of the two brothers, from what Kane had noticed. Titus always eager to explore both in and out of the ship, while Brutus seemed much more comfortable onboard. Brutus treated the Inheritance like his baby, wanting to make sure everything was all right with her and ready to go, while Titus was more just along for the ride.

    "We might join you in a little bit. Or, at least, I will," Titus finally said back in Common, offering Kane a smile.

    "Let me open up the door for ya," Brutus added, tapping a code into the door so Kane could get off the ship.
    Last edited by hannahbbug3; 2019-05-07 at 11:21 AM.
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