Quote Originally Posted by Florian View Post
@Teddy: Slept well? Working in a 4-shift-pattern has really ruined my natural sleep circle and my inner clock happens to wake me up at the same times, regardless whether I'm on or off shift. Sucks, so you have my sympathy.
I got 6 hours, so while not as good as hoped, it's at least enough to feel fairly decent today. And my problem is that I'm a total night person and have very little encouraging/forcing me to go to bed in time, so I regularly overstay what is a sanctioned bed time for people with normal jobs...

The dandelions are really in full bloom. You don't want them in your garden, but seeing an entire field shine in yellow from millions of dandelion flowers is a pretty sight. Especially the horse paddocks are full of them, and there are quite a number of those along the train tracks of my morning commute. I feel I don't get to appreciate it as much nowadays as before, but I still find the spring greenery as beautiful as ever.