Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
Okay, serious question. How does somebody find someone?

Because online dating just doesn't work for me. Sending first messages is incredibly difficult for me, and when I do I have a 1/50 response rate at best.

Meeting new people in general isn't easy for me anyway. Whenever I've tried to go to a club or similar I've had the problems of it either being fat too noisy for me, or in a pub and as such far too noisy for me. So I haven't even made any new friends in almost a year, even as my old friends her harder and harder to meet up with.
When it comes to looking for friends, I suggest joining clubs or societies for hobbies that interest you. My circle of offline friends would be pitiful if it wasn't for gaming clubs and a Tolkien society. Thanks to those, it's actually rather nicely sized.

As for romantic partners, I'm not qualified to answer that, really.

Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
I am also in the potato and busy spectrum. My internship had so much **** that I can never talk about, and my work in the future will be that. Can't legally say about a lot of things that are integral to your work. Of course it's rather different in humanities than it is in technology, but the feeling of "I can't share this, ugh!" is likely a very shared feeling.
Yeah, not being allowed to talk in depths about your work is probably rather common. I do find it a little sad that I'm not allowed to take photos of the cute birds that land in the tree outside my window. Or of the rather magnificent mistletoe that grows on a small tree on the premises.

I hope that isn't bad ****, but the way...

Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
Every time people say "catch up", I just can't help but think "what, go fishing?"
Did I say "catch up"? Of course I meant "ketchup"!

I wouldn't mind to go fishing, though. Staring at the water doing nothing at all for a few hours sounds quite appealing right now. Actually catching fish would be secondary, I could even skip the bait!

Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
It also makes it a ***** to pass interviews for future employment. "Tell me about your prior projects" is a reasonable opener to ask in an interview to gauge how well one knows one's field, and when all you can say is "NDA, NDA, NDA" its hard to prove competence.

Grey Wolf
Yeah. With software engineers, you can at least do small code tests to weed out the worst cases, although I guess those get harder to make the more specialised the required competence gets.

I've been on a Bionicles nostalgia trip for the past pair of weeks. The old Mata Nui Online Games had a huge impact on my childhood, and I've basically been playing the soundtracks on repeat. It's... not very well remixed, but this Ride of the Valkyries remix gives me the shivers every time.