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Thread: [5e] Curse of Strahd - UA playtest IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: [5e] Curse of Strahd - UA playtest IC

    Aye, me son Elvir has flown ahead to inform my brother at the Blue Water Inn about the attacking and the coming of the women and children.

    The farmers, walking beside the wagon full of resting adventurers, looks back up over his shoulder to see if the matter of fact answer is sufficient for them. He needs their help and doesn't want to give them the wrong impression of the curse. He decides its best to explain further.

    For generations my family has been cursed with lycanthropy, we are wereravens. I know what you're thinking but before you go poking us with silver or anything know we mean no harm to anyone, other than the Devil Strahd. And you don't have to worry about any ravens in these parts working for Strahd, they work for us.
    Last edited by tieren; 2019-05-22 at 11:22 AM.