Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
The main reason alignment is bad and should be gone is that nobody can ever agree what it is, what it means, and what it is for.

Maybe any of these many wildly different interpretations could serve a function, but until someone somehow manages to convince a majority of D&D players of one way it remains a burden rather than being a benefit.
"Alignment is bad" is an opinion, not a fact. And you'd be hard pressed to prove that "a majority of players" have any kind of problem with it.

And there's not really any "wildly different interpretations " of what alignment is. Most of the pro-alignment people agree. Some focus more on how it affects the Great Wheel Cosmology, doesn't mean they have different interpretations. If you've been reading the thread, you'll see that many people agree what it is, what it means, and what it is for. The disagreement usually stems from people who do not think such things are valuable.

Which is also an opinion.