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    Default Re: Dark and Full Of Spoilers (GOT Season 8 Spoiler Thread Part 2)

    Quote Originally Posted by GloatingSwine View Post
    In another story maybe. But A Song of Ice and Fire is absolutely riddled with prophetic dreams and visions, and magical seeing and dreams of things that have happened half a world away.

    If they’re mentioned in the story, they come true. Not always in the way the people who hear them expect, but they always happen.
    I think that's a bit of a strong statement considering what is remains unwritten (or at the very least, unpublished.)

    Honestly, I've never really understood the implicit assumption many folks make that if prophesies come true in a setting, then all prophesies must come true, or that if some gods are real and intervene tangibly in the plot, then all gods must do so. If anything, it seems like a setting where the Red God has shared pearls of prescient and provably accurate wisdom with random people would be a perfect opportunity for all sorts of charlatans and hucksters to take advantage.

    In the books, even the many prophesies that have "come true" are a bit vague and open to interpretation. The Azor Ahai prophesy, in broad strokes, only really predicts that the prince/princess will defeat the dead (a pragmatic guess, since wights won't complain about the prophesy failing to come true.) Several candidates have been put forth, all with some royal connection--while this wasn't an obvious prediction, it wasn't a particularly outlandish one given the nature of most folks who become military or political leaders. More importantly, it's vague enough that you can really stretch it like crazy and make a lot of events work. I recall seeing one random post that argued that Jon Snow wasn't Azor Ahai, but that his father was, and that Jon--as the third son of Aegon, assuming the books confirm that theory--was actually the third "sword' of Azor Ahai, the one that didn't break in a small part of the prophesy that I honestly didn't even remember from reading the books.
    Last edited by Xyril; 2019-05-24 at 02:20 PM.