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Thread: [5e] Curse of Strahd - UA playtest IC

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    North Carolina

    Default Re: [5e] Curse of Strahd - UA playtest IC

    Aasmir ??
    HP: ??/??
    Conditions: ??

    "My errand lies beyond in Yesterhill. Time is of the essence, as lives hang in the balance." Nix looks around the folks gathered. "I do not wish to delay you, or myself, further. Perhaps we can talk as we travel? I've lost many friends to the gate keeper of this strange realm. I'd be happy to aid in his downfall, but that is a mighty task. I've focused on helping the good people here stranded under his rule, hoping to weaken his strength through small acts." Nix points up the road from the direction she came, "The folks there were ones who gave me aid when my friends perished. Now their food has been taken from them. Perhaps as punishment, or because this realm is a cruel place that encourages such things. I intend to find out which and correct the problem." Nix snaps the blade up quickly before smoothly returning it to her back, "And enact my justice on the wicked of course."
    Last edited by Deadlykire; 2019-05-28 at 06:28 AM.