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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Default Re: Shepherd Druid Guide to Fuzzy Fury

    One of my biggest tricks for using summons and avoiding clogging up the game is to use the Mob Rule tactics.

    It doesn't require any dice rolls, is easy to put into a table or script, and generally keeps the pace up.

    I can share the tables & scripts I use for it, if that would be helpful to the guide. I've thought about doing formal write-up about it myself every time I see the "Druids slow down combat to a crawl" comment.

    Overall, I love the guide! Especially the last bit, which shows the utility of each summon. Well done!

    Edit: I NEVER thought to upcast Conjure Woodland Beings to get an entire Hag Coven! That's a clever move.
    Last edited by airless_wing; 2019-05-29 at 10:57 AM.