
Tom pats Ed reassuringly on the shoulder, as if it will actually do any good. Sighing he stands up and slips his gun back into his belt, not needed at the moment, but there in case the need arises again. He silently curses himself for not bringing any extra bullets, while at his home he had a few boxes spare, Tom never thought that he would actually have to fire the gun, never-mind reload it. A quick mental check told him that he had fired three bullets at the guard, leaving the revolver with another three.

Having little else to do to help out, Tom follows Jeff around the room. As he stops next to the door, a grin spreads across his face. "Ya know, in the confusion and everythin', I forgot I 'ad this..." His hand slips inside his jacket and pulls out a maglite torch. Twisting the end causes a beam to spill out from the hand-held device. While nothing spectacular, it was at least bigger than the penlight Jeff was waving around. "Is it locked? I could try 'an... open it"