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Thread: [5e] Curse of Strahd - UA playtest IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: [5e] Curse of Strahd - UA playtest IC

    Suddenly from all around you, you hear the high laughter of hyenas as gnolls erupt from the dense underbrush all around you.

    6 of them surround the wagon, wielding spears and shields and wearing crude hide armor.

    3 of them surround Davian and his son and son in law, wielding no weapons and wearing hide armor. While unarmed these 3 seem larger and more fierce than the 6 around the wagon.

    One wearing a filthy chain shirt appears in the fore front, It is wielding a longbow, but has a spear strapped to its back.

    Nix and Tarquin are taken by surprise at the sudden ambush.

    The three unarmed gnolls tear into the farmers with tooth and claw:

    Spoiler: Fang attacks

    F1 (1d20+5)[17] (1d20+5)[18] (1d20+5)[15]
    F2 (1d20+5)[23] (1d20+5)[14] (1d20+5)[6]
    F3 (1d20+5)[6] (1d20+5)[23] (1d20+5)[10]

    (bite, claw, claw)

    You can see the monsters bite and claw at the farmers, who cry out in pain and surprise, but do not fall.

    [It is sandu's turn]
    Last edited by tieren; 2019-05-31 at 08:48 AM.