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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: The Staff IC: Threat IV: Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon tea party!

    Tea Agony sigh, shake her head. She first adress Sweet Echo: " You are reaping what you sow. I believe you when you says you tried but I believe this is OUR fault. We knew your own nature and yet I concentrated my energies to protect the group and not protect you from yourself. But take note: If you weren't my husband sister, I wouldn't have left a single hoof to help you. If you are truly sorry, find another vice to get into to purse you from touching what isn't yours. "

    With the telepathy spell, she add in Sweet Echo mind: " Next time you feel the urge, just go find Bubbles and shake his apple tree to make some cider. You'll feel better and you wont make Bubbles be hearthbroken this way. Cant believe you havent though of this yourself already... Being drunk, of pleasure or otherwise, is better then being heartbroken and antsy. "

    Ignoring the stunned and blushing Sweet Echo, she then turnr to Tailwind: " Tailwind, I being teaching you to the best of my capacity but think about it: if she did have such " magic charm ", she would not use it now as it would prove she is capable of doing such thing. No, you need to think differently: how can a bat pony, with no magic capacity, could enchant somepony? And how can we make sure the guards arent lying. That'S how you do a investigation... and that's all Im going to say while SHE is in the room. Please bring Miss Radiant to this... Hall of Void before we go further in this investigation. I dont want her to be able to blur the trails of the real culprits as she follow us or derail this investigation which, again, she isnt partial upon.
    Last edited by Emmerlaus; 2019-06-06 at 12:58 AM.