Sorry, I missed the request for comment you made in my Sorcerer/Wizard thread, when you first posted about this.

Thoughts on first read-through:

Spells+Cantrips: Interesting that you'd use a combination total for these, although also very interesting. You end up with fewer total spells at level 10 than a sorcerer, but more at level 20. So, greater versatility at endgame, but in early game...

The Obvious Solutions powers are great, and they fit very well with the character concept. The only one that felt a little odd was Run For It, for which I would have just said that you can Dash as a bonus action. That's a more common implementation for giving a character an extra speed-level of movement on its turn.

Also, how does Use Big Words function in combat?

Thaumic Control: Interesting idea for getting around concentration limits. Obviously doesn't work when casting on an enemy, and usually isn't useful for casting on another caster, and you're still limited to one concentration effect per person. Feels like it's still pretty safe, power-balance-wise.



Appropriate skills, but also feels lackluster. The 2nd level feature feels fine for a 2nd level feature, and minimum of 10 on Int and Wis skill checks is fine at 14, but everything in between (which is a very long stretch of levels) is only supported by an Expertise bonus.


You grant both proficiency and expertise with Medical Training. In general, you should only get one or the other. That is, grant proficiency if you don't have the skill, or expertise if you already have the skill from other sources (eg: backgrounds).

Extra spells for the Physician is great, but also makes it obvious that Scholar did not get extra spells (though Geometer gets selectable spells). That feels imbalanced.

Second Opinion's increase at 18th level steps on the feet of the Durable feat. Simply taking the higher of the two rolls seems more reasonable, though it might not need to wait til 18th level, either.

Steady Hands sounds good, but then it also brings to mind that the Scholar's Instant Recall does exactly the same thing, only more. I would probably add some restrictions to Instant Recall, to limit it to lore skills or something like that.


Pattern-Tracer: Same issue as Medical Training.


Looking over cantrips available:

No Friends? Sound like exactly the sort of spell this class would have.

Slightly surprised there's no Create Bonfire or Infestation.

Only did a cursory check over the rest.