Quote Originally Posted by georgie_leech View Post
Even older; there are known uses of literally as an intensifier 50 years before Dickens was born, much less writing. This fight was lost literally centuries before any of us were born
The fight may be lost, but as long as any of us are still alive, it's not over.

Also, the day I lack the will to fight for lost causes is the day I lack the will to get out of bed in the morning.

We are all in a hopeless fight against entropy, against time, against the basic facts of existence, and against that seductive path of least resistance, and guess what? The fact that the game is rigged hasn't stopped us from trying to win, or trying to lose as well as possible (if the fight was lost so long ago, then it means people have been willing to keep up the fight for so many years). I count that a victory, if a very small one.