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Thread: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown X

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown X

    With pleas for clemency and implausible protests of innocence, the last of Dragos' men were escorted to the boats. With just these additional passengers, Dragos' extra boat would have allowed them to empty the cave in one trip, but Sieghard's determination not to leave any of No-Nose's goods behind necessitated two. Leaving some men to watch over the boxes and barrels, Sieghard took his place in the last boat of the first leg, clutching the heavy strongbox close to his chest. Elsa tried to ignore how much lower it made the back of the boat sit in the water.

    Back at the docks, a number of onlookers gathered to watch as Dragos' men were bundled off to the keep. Murmurs began to spread as Dragos' body was dragged up onto the pier, before some of the Volunteers had the initiative to disperse the growing number of gawkers. They retreated back into the moonlit streets, but Ludo could still feel curious eyes watching from behind the shuttered windows of the houses.

    The goods from the cave were stashed in the Greenapple house, the din from Dragos' caged dogs enough to wake the dead as the miltia tramped back and forth through the hall. The stink from their kennel had grown unpleasantly strong, and the animals looked gaunt and hungry. Trying his best to block out the racket, Sieghard made sure that the Crimson Shade was placed under lock and key before stepping back out into the warm night air. He took a deep breath, breathing in the smells of the river.

    The lamps were still lit in the Fat Fish, the smell of hops and cookfires drifting on the feeble breeze. After a night like this, they could all use a drink.

    Marktag, 28th Vorgeheim

    Dawn broke into another cloudless day, the rattle of carts filling the dry air with the dust of the streets. It was market day, and the second week's worth of shipments from the eastern Downs were coming over the bridge into Savonne. Knots of hungry-looking people loitered by the riverside, looking for whatever morsels they could beg, barter or steal from the passing farmers. If Sieghard meant to make the docks his stage that morning, he would certainly have an audience.

    I leave the narration of letting everyone know what happened to Dragos up to you guys (don't forget any attendant rolls). Let me know what plans you have going beyond that - with the immediate threat of Dragos dealt with, you might want to plan over several days. You have five more days left before Geheimnistag.
    Last edited by LCP; 2019-06-11 at 12:20 PM.
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    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

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    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X