Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
I think I watched a dozen episodes before giving up on it as not sufficiently funny and way too zany for my tastes. About the only episode I enjoyed is the one with Fry & 100 coffees, and then only the payoff of that particular subplot, which mostly is a funny background event while the other characters are doing... something, can't remember what.

I think it was the first time where I decided I was no longer interested in stories where the main character is a moron. I find it hard to enjoy the Simpsons, for the same reason.

Grey Wolf
At the absolute least, I recommend those three episodes previously mentioned. Also, two more specifically for you if you're interested in my recommendations, Parasites Lost (Season 3, Ep 2) and The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings, Season 4 Episode 16. That second one was the original series finale, and did that ever deliver. Both of them ask the question, "what if the main character was actually brilliant?" so I think you may get some enjoyment out of those. Plus, the Robot Devil is one of the most fun characters. You may dislike his zaniness, though.

Quote Originally Posted by DataNinja View Post
Oh, man, I love Futurama, or, at the very least, the pre-(first?-)cancellation seasons. Didn't really get as much into the later ones. Admittedly, it may be in part because of the sci-fi veneer, which I'm a sucker for, but, I very much found myself laughing throughout all-

-how dare you.
(Jurassic Bark admittedly never really resonated as much with me, but, maaaaan, Luck of the Fryish brings on The Iron Giant levels of emotion.)
I'm not even a dog person, but Jurassic Bark was just a Mike Tyson punch to the gut. I understand the dislike some have for the renewed seasons, though I don't agree myself, but I really loved how Game of Tones was able to bring out the same tears that Luck of the Fryrish did, except happier. And I don't even know if I'll be able to watch it again now that I'm a parent.