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Thread: [IC] The Mysterious Case of New Ceres

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Nov 2014
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    Default Re: [IC] The Mysterious Case of New Ceres

    Kane was as perturbed as anyone when the purple haze appeared before them, and equally thankful as anyone else when Lavendi manages to avoid the majority of it. And now, stuck in a ship that had suddenly been utterly disengaged by the edges of that light, he he now shares evenly in all of their fears. The blue-skinned Samsaran looks about the room confused. Staggered by the absence of light, as his eyes struggle to adjust to the dark of the void. Almost without thinking, his right hand glows with an ethereal green hue. Summoning into his hand a small, but noticeably steady orange-yellow flame. He unclips himself from his chair and waves the flame about the room. Disregarding oxygen protocol in favour of the benefit of sight as he casts his gaze about the utterly unpowered room.

    "Crap! What the hells just happened? Sirin! Is there any way we can still contact Titu- Colata!" The young man shouts. Rushing to the Android's side as he examines the sides of her head. Looking for the archetypal spark which would designate her as still functioning. Still living. He casts his voice out to the helm. "Lavendi! Status report! Where are we? And can you reclaim power to the ship?"
    Last edited by Capt. Infinity; 2019-06-12 at 04:44 PM.
    Well, you know the old saying. "Give a man a sword and he'll do a d6 in damage. Tell a man the rules by which he must follow to craft his OWN sword, and the campaign's off the rails by suppertime".

    Maestro Mentallo
    Kane Rainison