The flickering firelight fills the bridge, revealing stunned expressions on Lavendi and Sirin's faces. They seem to still be trying to process what has happened - or what has potentially happened - while Kane is quicker to hop to. When he begins to speak, however, the other two snap out of their shock and do as requested. Sirin comes over to Colata's side, helping Kane look her over, as he also messes with the communications pad attached to his suit. "I'll go see if I can find 'em, this thing isn't working," he says after a few attempts at turning the comms back on.

"Status report... it looks like... hm-" Lavendi checks a few monitors, attemping percussive maintenance here and there, before shaking her head. "Seems like everything is powered down - hopefully we're not dead in the water. I'll attempt a manual reboot," she says. Any further information that she can give will have its accuracy dependent on what systems she can get running again.

Colata appears to still be breathing, and there does not seem to be damage done to her. Unconscious as she is, though, she cannot give direction as a Captain should.