Others above forgot to continue the quote a bit further “...and everything that comes with it.”

That’s where the DM steps in— not with a cruel interpretation of the wish, but with the perfectly natural and logical consequences of the wish.

For example, if they wish they’d won the “wish” lottery, they’d also get:
The tax man coming to collect his share. Or else.
Relatives/old friends/new old friends crawling out of the woodwork for a “loan for my great investment/tied me over/save the family farm, etc., etc..”
Lots of attention from people who absolutely love them and want to get married, super-quick...
Strong encouragement to make a sizable donation to the local temple/shrine/Thieves Guild.
Oh, yeah. Other unwanted attention by the Thieves Guild.
So much gold the local economy collapses due to hyperinflation (Google Mansa Musa), and everyone now hates them.
The arrival of a dragon whose treasure horde it once was.
The close attention of the BBEG, who could use the treasure for his own nefarious ends.

Not to mention the issues of how to move it (gold weighs A LOT), where to store it, how to access it, how to keep others from accessing it without approval, and so on.

Mundane wishes can have very interesting results.

As for the “I want my ‘stats’ to go up” dude, I say (as the genie): “Prithee, little brother, what meaneth thee by ‘stats’? This word I knoweth not, and thus may not complete thy wish.”
Asking for specific game mechanic enhancements is a non-starter with me, as the characters don’t think in such terms, nor do the beings they encounter. It’s the character who is making the wish, not the player!
So, no wishes that they all “level up” (“This term I knoweth not”). Similarly, no wishes that their hit points go up, or their Constitutions, or anything of the sort, or any other reference to rule specific concepts. And thus, no “rules lawyer” wishes can be made.
If “Bob” can be made to understand that, then maybe he’ll shift to suggesting more imaginative wishes that benefit the group.

Or they can vote, and “Bob’s” character can be given a consolation gift of a big bonus on the next treasure find.