R4T18: Erima closes the gap with the remaining guards and strikes once again : they might have dropped weapons, but they are gulping potions before surrendering... not that she would have cared. Her axe comes deep into the left shoulder of GM4, dropping her with 32.

R4T16: GM1 steps back a few feet, picking up the sword from the ground, and she readies herself defensively.

R4T15: The Scribe shoots into the opened breech, and then all the way around the pool from the south to threaten with his ranseur from the east.

R4T14: Fallon comes in from the other way. She isn't flanking, but the last Gray Maiden is sorely pressed. Fallon stabs the Gray Maiden in the lower shield arm for 3.

R4T9: Rezah follows The Scribe at a distance.

R4T7: Lilim moves right in over the edge of the pool and bites the Gray Maiden in the sword hand for 14, dropping her.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

Erima, you are raging with power attack. You saw the last active enemy drop. What do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Teofilo: 21.
Erima: 18. RAGING!!! PA.
GM1: 16. (-9:42). No CLW potion.
The Scribe: 15.
Fallon: 14. 10' altitude. Bear's endurance for 7 minutes.
Rezah: 9.
Lilim: 7. Ice aegis for 15 minutes (resist fire 30).

GM2, GM3. GM4.