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Thread: [IC] The Mysterious Case of New Ceres

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC] The Mysterious Case of New Ceres

    Spoiler: OOC
    That is adorable and great.

    It takes a good long while for Kane to rip his eyes away from the sight before him. From the wide expanse of stone and greenery that, in the pit of his soul, he'd always dreamed of seeing with his own eyes. In time though, the call of centuries past quiets, and he is once again brought back to the present. To the state of the world around him, and moreover the state of his two present companions. He turns to look at Colata worriedly.

    "Damn... Do you think you can continue despite it, Colata? With any luck, it'll come back in time. But... Well, if it doesn't, we aren't exactly within spitting distance of a repair shop..." His voice trails off as the Samsaran remembers another important aspect of the situation at hand. "Titus..." He breathes, before looking up at frayed edges of the ship's hull. "They were all in the aft portion of the shift. But if we survived..." The man stops himself short. He wasn't about to give up hope. But he knew better than to set himself up for the possibly tragic state of reality. "Still though... The other half of the ship can't have gone too far. Maybe if we..." Kane's gaze turns up towards the impressive mountain peak ahead. "The mountain." He states aloud, turning to look at the Elf and the Android. He points up at the landmark. "We can get a better look of everything from up there. If we're lucky, we might catch a glimpse of where the other half landed. Failing that, we might get a shot at seeing some signs of civilization. Or at least the remnants of it..."

    He trails off, before moving back to grab and pick up the medkit. Still speaking in the direction of his companions. "Colata, Lavendi. Do you guys think you're fit enough to climb? If not, one or both of you should try to make camp around or in the crash site. Whether it's dawn or dusk, we need a place to stay for when it gets dark. But if it's dawn-" He picks up the medkit and walks back to the both of them. Opening it back up to offer the contents as he turns to look back at the mountains. "I'm gonna try to figure out where the hells we are."
    Last edited by Capt. Infinity; 2019-06-20 at 09:26 AM.
    Well, you know the old saying. "Give a man a sword and he'll do a d6 in damage. Tell a man the rules by which he must follow to craft his OWN sword, and the campaign's off the rails by suppertime".

    Maestro Mentallo
    Kane Rainison