Quote Originally Posted by Kelenius View Post
Shojo is not the absolute ruler of the city. He could probably force the wizard to do it, but that would be burning his goodwill, and he is a leader of a city full of political intrigue who is pretending to be senile. We don't know if the wizard is even the part of the Sapphire Guard. Mishap chance is small, but you're ignoring the chance of arriving at a wrong spot. He was seen teleporting twice, and messed up once, getting himself killed in the process...
All arguments which would be even the teensiest bit relevant if Shojo hadn't been explicitly willing to use said wizard to actually help hunt down Xykon. It's bizarre to assert he was less qualified for the mission to go fetch Roy in the first place.

When the wizard is teleporting the order, he's teleporting from one city to another, not from one city to a group of adventurers in the middle of wilderness through scrying. Wind walk, which lasts a hour/level, may very well have been actually used. Why do you assume it wasn't...
Because a bonus strip in Paladin Blues explicitly shows Miko walking out the gates of azure city, alone and on horseback, and because the journey would not have taken her weeks otherwise. This is a ridiculous scenario.

The entire order except for Roy and Durkon refused to go with her when she explained everything to them personally. Roy changed his mind later...
What on earth are you referring to? Miko telling them 'surrender or die', which hardly qualifies as 'everything'? Or Roy being immediately willing to come as soon as he learned she was a paladin and that they were being charged with crimes against existence? If Shojo was, for some reason, genuinely convinced that absolutely nothing would persuade the Order to come quietly, then that's an argument for sending more combat strength, not for sending Miko alone.

That's not how scrying works. "Where are they?" "Some forest" is about the best that they can get...
The spell description explicitly states that scrying can be used for the purpose of gaining 'careful study' of an area. And no, I don't think Sangwaan had other duties more important than helping to stop the world ending. You're throwing up the most trivial objections to expediting a mission that is ultimately more important than any other errand Shojo's underlings could possibly be involved in.

Quote Originally Posted by littlebum2002 View Post
Yes, but you said "Miko has a character class that literally doesn't allow her to lie". So which is it? Are Paladins allowed to lie or not?
Littlebum, I'm perfectly happy to allow that violations of the code come in greater and lesser degrees. Try looking at this the other way: What lie could Miko possibly tell that would be severe enough to qualify as a gross violation of her code of conduct?

Quote Originally Posted by The Aboleth View Post
(Bolded emphasis mine) It seems like you believe the word "sane" should mean "always makes logical decisions." That is almost never the case, in real life or in narratives.
This is a false dichotomy of your own invention. There is quite a space between 'mathematically optimal' and 'not head-bangingly wrong'. It is not plausible that a high-level ghost-wizard is going to spend weeks and weeks in leisurely contemplation floating above the floor and never once think 'I wonder why the ninja chick isn't back yet, she did use teleport, right?' or 'wait, don't sending spells exist?' This is not behaviour born of spur-of-the-moment desperation, it's behaviour born of Plot Holes.