Quote Originally Posted by Lacuna Caster View Post

The spell description explicitly states that scrying can be used for the purpose of gaining 'careful study' of an area.
If you scry on someone, you can carefully study their surroundings, but you won't know where they are. You can teleport "to their location", but since you don't actually know where their location is, you can't tell someone else to go to that location to meet them.

Think about if you tried scrying on me right now. You would have a detailed description of the inside of my house, you could use that detailed description to teleport to my house, but you still don't know my address so you can't tell someone else how to get here.

And, as someone else pointed out, teleporting right on top of a group of high level adventurers isn't a very good idea. Without the storm, the Order (now aided by Durkon) probably would have taken out Miko and the Wizard.

And why risk it? As far as Shojo is concerned, there's no rush. One gate was destroyed years ago, and another one was just destroyed. So it will probably take years before the next one is destroyed. So what if the paladin takes a month to find the Order?

Quote Originally Posted by Lacuna Caster View Post

Littlebum, I'm perfectly happy to allow that violations of the code come in greater and lesser degrees. Try looking at this the other way: What lie could Miko possibly tell that would be severe enough to qualify as a gross violation of her code of conduct?
Was she even lying? "You have been charged with crimes for which the only possible sentence is death". They were indeed charged with crimes, and (to her knowledge) the sentence for those crimes is death. Shojo only told her to "try hard" to bring them back alive so they could go to trial for their crime, he never said that it wasn't a capital crime. So, at worse, I would consider her claims to be a "slight embellishment" rather than an all out lie.