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Thread: What if... Miko never killed Shojo?

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: What if... Miko never killed Shojo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelenius View Post
    All arguments except for "wizard is unwilling to teleport to an area he doesn't know", "wizard is occupied", "wizard is not in the city"... basically, all the reasons I listed in my post. If you'd like to actually refute all of my arguments...
    No, I'm not going to go through these arguments, because you're the one making positive assertions for which you have no evidence, and all of these excuses are petty and inconsequential relative to the urgency of the mission. If the wizard is out of the city, use a Sending to get him back, or make a trip to magic walmart. Or, again, just use Wind Walk.

    Shojo probably had things to say to the order that would make them come quietly, and if Shojo could cast sending, he would maybe do it. But he can't - he'd need to ask a cleric to do it. Which means that he'd need to explain these reasons to the cleric. And that he can't do. He can't tell anyone that he's sending Roy after the gates.
    He doesn't have to. All he has to do is have the Being of Pure Law and Good explain that the Order blew up the Gate accidentally- which is true- and he wants to bring them in nonviolently. This doesn't require saying that he wants to hire Roy after the trial, it just means explaining why he doesn't want them dead.

    Shojo believed that Miko was capable of bringing the order in by force. For reasons right or wrong, he turned out to be correct. You can't say that Shojo was wrong to send Miko alone when he objectively was right.
    Kelenius, I remind you have been arguing at some length that Miko only prevailed against the Order due to sheer dumb luck. I don't really agree, but you cannot simultaneously argue this and then say that Shojo's confidence in Miko's abilities was 100% justified. {Scrubbed}
    Sangwaan doesn't know and can't be told that they are stopping the world ending because Shojo can't tell SG that he's sending Roy after the gates...
    He doesn't need to. Sangwaan is perfectly aware that Dorukan's Gate, one of the pillars of reality, has been destroyed, and whatever was responsible for that is a strong candidate for 'world-ending threat'. (Of course, he could also just have the BoPLaG explain the whole shebang with Xykon and Redcloak too, but that's another discussion.)

    Quote Originally Posted by littlebum2002 View Post
    If you scry on someone, you can carefully study their surroundings, but you won't know where they are. You can teleport "to their location", but since you don't actually know where their location is, you can't tell someone else to go to that location to meet them... ...And, as someone else pointed out, teleporting right on top of a group of high level adventurers isn't a very good idea. Without the storm, the Order (now aided by Durkon) probably would have taken out Miko and the Wizard.
    You're assuming that an encounter with the Order needs to result in violence at all. You can Send ahead of time to warn them, and just tell Miko or O-Chul or whoever drops in that the destruction of the Keep was accidental (and enough description to not confuse them with evil twins.)

    Okay, fine, Scrying doesn't give you perfect information, but it would give Miko detailed descriptions of the Order (names, alignments, appearance, class features etc.), which she obviously isn't given. And repeated efforts would certainly give clues to their location that are more efficient than a single rank in survival and some gather information checks.

    And why risk it? As far as Shojo is concerned, there's no rush. One gate was destroyed years ago, and another one was just destroyed. So it will probably take years before the next one is destroyed. So what if the paladin takes a month to find the Order?
    Because Shojo specifically says to Roy, "I want you at Girard's Gate as soon as possible", for which purpose he was going to lend him a teleporting wizard. He does in fact consider this mission time-sensitive. (Not to mention that Miko, apart from not wanting her own time to be wasted and spend weeks on potentially dangerous travel through unsettled territories, presumably wants to catch her quarry before the trail runs cold. This kinda needs to make sense to her as well.)

    Was she even lying? "You have been charged with crimes for which the only possible sentence is death"...
    She outright states "my master has ordered their execution for deeds against his interest" in an earlier strip. (If you're going to argue she genuinely believes it, well, she genuinely believed Shojo was working with Xykon too, and that wasn't good enough.)
    Last edited by Roland St. Jude; 2019-07-01 at 11:51 AM.
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