Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
... and his motive in attacking everyone else is still unknown.
I kind of suspect he does it just to keep up appearances and appease his patrons Below/the stories that drive his Name. So far it doesn't seem like he's really all that interested in territorial expansion, and if he wanted more living space for Serenity he could carve it out of the Hells where there's no story-based opposition stopping him. But in order to maintain power as the Dead King, he sometimes has to unleash a ravening horde of undead abominations upon the living. It's just what Dead Kings do - it's a necessary distraction in order for him to keep up his abilities. It's why he's so cautious to do it in ways that offer affordable or temporary losses, why he doesn't just go attacking but had to be specifically invited and treated to do so. It creates stories where the Dead King loses by being driven back, by being 'forced' to retreat and rebuild for another century, but almost never actually being harmed or sacrificing anything that isn't ultimately replaceable.

Which, really, means I think you're right, and we still don't know what the Dead King actually wants, except that it's at least partially in opposition to whatever Wandering Bard is playing for.