[Dragon Therapy - Lucy]

"Oh, well sure I guess." No harm in that, right?

Well there probably is, but Lucy isn't picking up on it.

"Uh, sooo I just had the usual Nexus greeting and kiiinda just showed up somewhere, and Sam saved my butt, then let me stay in his place, a-and we've basically been roomies and buddies since then. H-he was, um, he was there when the, uh, bad stuff happened too." She shivers slightly at that. Unpleasant memories. Very unpleasant. "A-and I dunno, in terms of goals I guess the biggest thing at the moment is that I'd like to find a new place for me and Sam. Uh, but something more sort of meaningful? Sam deserves a decent place, a-and Sylvess is a dragon! He needs a castle befitting his dragonyness."