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Thread: IC II Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs

  1. - Top - End - #88
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: IC II Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs

    Rowan slides off his horse as quickly as he can, patting the animal on the side companiably, and begins running toward the cluster of mortals. Maybe there was a way to end this, if not peacefully, then with a the least amount of people dying.

    Spoiler: OoC

    Going to attempt a fast mount/dismount, which as far as I can tell there is no negative to trying.
    Ride check DC 20: (1d20+2)[3]
    EDIT: I believe that is a hard no on the fast dismount
    If success: double move to N19
    If failure: single move to N14

    Last edited by aReallyGreatAxe; 2019-06-28 at 12:00 AM.