Haven't actually tried any 5*s yet, taking inventory before I dip my toe into those fights.

Looking at the "Recommended Relics"

Geosgaeno - Have all but replace Shantoto USB with Awakening.
Famfrit - Have all - I'd likely swap out Orlandeu's OSB for Kain with CSB, BSB, and OSB

Belias - I have Rydia's water BSB and enWater LMR and Strago's Chain (and that's it)
Pheonix - Don't have Bartz USB, do have recomended Bartz BSB, Tidus AOSB, Chain, and USB, and Yuffie USB.

Manticore - Have the Onion USB and Terra OSB (and Enfire LMR) - also have Papalymo OSB/BSB.
Mateus - Don't have Sabin, do have Zell. Don't have Locke or Bartz. Have Auron USB and Balthier Glint, BSB2, OSB.

Typhon - Have Onion and nothing else.
Syldra - Have Laguna's Imperil - none of the other recomended tools. Do have Squall's chase USB and OSB, Ayame's BSB and OSB, and Snow's Buff USB and gen 1 CSB.

Adamantoise - I have Alphi and Onion, also have Ultemecia's Brave USB but have not been impressed yet.
Hectoncheir - Lack Bartz, have a better SB for Zack, Lack Zidane - have a pretty full Cloud (Glint, BSB2, USB1)

Behemoth King - I do have the recomended Rydia BSB, Edge USB0 and Onion BSB. Wonder why the "recomended" SBs are on the light side here...
Quetzalcoatl - I have Bartz's BSB, no USB. No Ignis, have Kelgar's chase USB. Have Orlandu USB.

Madeen - Have Cid Rainse BSB and nothing else.
Lakshmi - Lack recomended Tyro USB, have the other two.

Ark - Have Edward USB, Rem AOSB, Cid Rainse BSB, Hope USB
Deathgaze - Lack Marche but have the others.

Not planning on tackling anyone these tonight - I still have specific 4* Magicite I haven't gotten a copy of to 99 but I feel like I might have the tools for some of these.

The USB select banner isn't enticing enough for the free USB. the new VII banner doesn't push me over either even though its got a number of solid tools on it. Going to go clear out event levels, keep stockpiling the blues and start pushing some mid difficulty Torments. I have a feeling the 6* abilities will be a major help when I start taking on 5* Magicite.