Quote Originally Posted by Tiadoppler View Post
Thanks for the feedback! I really need to read XGtE more carefully: I keep forgetting the spells from that book. Warding Wind is a great utility spell, and very similar to the effects of Smoke Bane. So I'll change it around a bit to give it a separate niche.

Given that there's already a concentration spell that gets rid of the harmful effects of non-magical smoke, the niche I want to fill is a spell that let's you see through non-magical smoke/fog. A spell that could be used in conjunction with Warding Wind (so not a concentration spell). I'm thinking:

Smoke Sense
1st-level transmutation
Duration: 10 minutes
Until the spell ends, the target can see through non-magical smokes, fogs, mists and clouds out to a distance of 60', without penalty.
At Higher Levels. Target one additional creature per level.

I like the 5th-level rain spell a lot - it's something that might actually be accessible in low-magic campaign settings.
Given your houserule, that spell seems perfectly fine.

To give a bit more thought to the rain spell:

Refreshing Rain
5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self (1 mile sphere)
Components: V, S, M (50 worth of powered silver, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours.

Rain falls in a 1 mile radius centered on your location, extinguishing flames exposed to the sky for as long as the rain lasts. Walkways beneath the rain remain supernaturally dry and do not become slippery or hazardous terrain. Additionally, earth and soil that has become hazardous terrain (such as created by the Erupting Earth spell) is cleared if the rain falls on it for at least 1 minute.

If you concentrate on this spell for the full duration, reservoirs and natural bodies of water within the spell's effect refill to their normal level, and plants damaged by drought that are exposed to the rain return to full health from even the brink of death. Both of these effects remain for 1 week, after which water levels fall and plants dry as normal.

Basically a major firefighting spell when cast, and a way to deal with drought. I'm not entirely sure about the cost, but silver iodide is used to seed clouds IRL, so a silver requirement seems fitting.