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Thread: What is EVIL?

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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: What is EVIL?

    Quote Originally Posted by SpawnOfMorbo View Post
    Escaping reality doesn't really matter in this situation. Evil is an opinions of fictional characters within the game and don't necessarily follow real world morality because of that.

    Which makes it better, honestly. Makes the system's world feel more organic.


    In the game it doesn't matter what you think is good or evil, it matters what the deities (coughrulescough) says is good and evil. In the real world it isn't like that.
    Interesting. See, the thing is, we still use Real World stories (including Myths and Modern Fiction) as Examples/Guidelines for Alignment.
    Those escapism people are only avoiding the specific "Drama" associated with RL.

    The RPG Rules are really only there to help us Bridge the Gap between the Differences of Opinion to create a solid(ish) foundation for Greater Shared Gaming. Because without it, we end up being like the Kids in the street that end up fighting over how to Play.
    (But, whatever works at your Table, is also good)

    I don't like where the Ruling Deity (Zeus, as portrayed by a DM) dictates the Rules/Laws for Alignment, and then ignore them when applying these to themselves.

    Which is why I prefer to have Alignment a Cosmic Law, where even the Deities can't change - or ignore - them as desired.

    Hera isn't Evil because she's upset with Zeus for constantly cheating on her.
    She's Evil because she deliberately seeks to make every (Mortal) Man's (starting with Husbands) life miserable. Heck, most of the old Live Action Movies had it where Zeus and Hera "made up".

    Hades is a little more difficult.
    Now, Disney (First the man, and now the Corp) had him being Evil because he wants to Rule Olympus, and doesn't care if Mortals get hurt.
    With Hercules doing the Heroes in Hell bit from my comments in my Ancient Realms Thread. (Where he can "Fight his way out" because he is Good)

    But, I go more Old School.
    Hades is Evil because he seeks every way possible to claim your Mortal Soul.
    Taking over as King of the (Greek/Roman) Deities (using the Laws against them as much as possible) is just mostly a Hobby.
    Hades can make a great BBEG.

    But, then I see almost all the Norse Deities (including Odin) being Chaotic.
    With maybe Heimdall and Hella being Lawful, and (my) Loki being NE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Conradine View Post
    I think the Book of Vile Darkness and the Fiendish Codex 2 did a good work in defining Evil.
    Evil is serious, is intentional and is a free choice, at least for not-innately evil races.

    I feel that is often underestimated how seriously wicked must be a person to gain the Evil alignment.
    I can agree, for both CE and LE.
    NE can totally be the "Greater Good" delusion, that still causes Grief.
    I don't buy that "NE is the purist Evil" because Evil for the Sake of Evil still gets tainted with either "Selfish" (CE) or "Tyrant" (LE).

    Sorry, folks, Neutral just doesn't care enough.

    Another sensitive subject: Star Wars.
    The Emperor was Lawful because he preferred to use the laws to get his way, he was Evil because all his Rules were meant to screw everyone - but especially the Jedi. The fact that he was a lousy Ruler, is beside the point; since he had enough Power and leverage to enforce his Rules, when truly needed.

    Sadly, Vader makes a sad LE, being nothing more then just a willing puppet.

    Tyranus/Duku was technically LE, but very much the (cowardly) manipulator, fighting only Jedi - or when forced to.

    I didn't read everything on Maul, so I still tend to see him as CE.
    Obeying only because he lacked the Power to take control.

    See, Luke was NG - he wanted to help, but didn't have any real Plans on how to do so.
    and as a "Jedi Master" he lacked any real Goals for the New Jedi Order, to actually make a difference.

    Leah did have both Plans and Goals, and was fully committed to the Cause of a Better Galaxy.

    The way Lucus wrote the Jedi Council, these were either hide-bound LN, or NG at best.
    Yes, including our favorite: Yoda. The Clone Wars actually kicked Yoda and Windu out of their "emotionless non-involvement" and back into the LG that Jedi were meant to be. The sad part was, by the time they realized what needed to be done, Palatine had all the Cards.

    As a side note, for those reading the Vader comics/novels - all the "Prisoners" that Vader found were there because the Jedi were willing to cause them misery to keep them away from Society, but unwilling to commit to killing them to protect future Innocents. Yoda was shown to be rather unhappy with this solution, but because he was in the Minority, he accepted it.

    Also, I do like the fact that 5e moved away from the "Inherited Evil" Races.
    Where Alignment really is defined by Actions+Beliefs.
    And you can believably play a LG Orc Redemption Paladin that isn't the Bossy "Awful Stupid" cliche.
    Last edited by Great Dragon; 2019-07-17 at 06:16 PM.