Popping up from behind the bar, Rilana fires off two shots with her blaster. The first shot is true and slams into the Twi'lek's body armor, knocking him down as the second shot goes over his head. Rilana ducks back behind the bar before any of the Twi'lek's troops can get a bead on her. Seeing an opportunity, Taru scrambles among the over-turned tables and heads towards the storage room, following F'ej. He is quickly joined by Ashleigh who is drawing her blaster as she moves.

While the Twi'lek was down and unable to get a shot off, his 7 hired guns continued firing wildly into the crowd and creating as much chaos as possible. Some of their shots come close but no one in the crew is hit.

Kolssk readies his blaster carbine, secure in he belief that he has not drawn any attention from the party-crashers; covering the withdraw of his crew mates. Waldo meanwhile crouches behind one of the tables avoiding becoming a target.

Round Two