Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
So the party of three (A Fighter - Dave, A Cleric - Marcy, and a Wizard - Mark) all roll up to a small town after fighting some goblins.
Weary, and in need of a long rest they pay the Inn Keeper's son 30 gold (each paying 10 gold from their recent battle!) and head up to the room.
The Inn Keeper came out, scolded his son, because it was The Holy Moon (Eclipse) and says it's only 25 gold. Hands his son 5 gold to give back.
As the son is walking back to the room, he realizes there's no even way to split 5 gold between the three party members, so he pockets two gold "for his troubles."
He gets to their room and hands them back, each 1 gold coin.
So now each of them has paid 9 gold, since they each got a 1 gold refund.
So 9 gold x 3 party members is 27 + 2 gold the Inn Keeper's son kept is... 29 gold.
So where is the missing gold coin?

Thats.....not how that works.

the innkeeper has 25 gold. the son has two, the three adventurers each have one. that adds up to 30, there is no missing gold coin.

is the joke about how the innkeeper should have gave them all a 20% discount and thus give the son 6 six coins to split evenly but didn't? and why didn't he just not mention the discount if he is that greedy, he could just have all thirty coins.