Quote Originally Posted by 137ben View Post
In that scenario, the MitD would never meet O-Chul, and so would still essentially be on Xykon's side. So, any intuition he has about the double-bluff would be something he'd be more likely to share. I suspect that at least one of Redcloak or the MitD could figure it out: the only question is whether Xykon would fall for it and refuse to listen to either of them before teleporting to Kragor's tomb.
Also Xykon would be resistant but not immune persay. The Draketooths would likely fall, but with a tactical explosion of the gate they could take him out after a major attrition with...well...everything possible. They have high-end illusionists, and may well have a few low-Epics if the "go out and have kids" bit is more intense than we think and involves them raiding keeps and felling the White Dragon of Reddragonsville and the like.

In general, this scenario probably screws over everyone, killing probably half the party or more, obliterating Azure City due to the unraveling political situation (no Shojo or Hinjo along with a massive hole in reality), and leaving Xykon nearly unopposed as he plots. The only possible upside is that the Draketooths never get hit by Familicide, which leaves them as basically the last hope aside from "magic rock falls, Xykon and Redcloak die". Also, even if they do fail for whatever reason, TDO is still left unrecruited and leads to further continuation of the cycle.