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Thread: What if... Miko never killed Shojo?

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: What if... Miko never killed Shojo?

    On a variant of the thread (excuse me if it has been done before, but searching for 46+ pages to check is a bit too much), imagine a situation where Miko doesn't kill Shojo not because she didn't try, but because she didn't success: she misses the strike (even high level characters can get a '1'), or doesn't do enough damage with one strike and is prevented from taking another by Roy hinjo and Co.

    Attacking her defenseless liege out of her delusional madness still makes her Fall, and she's arrested, but this time Shojo is present during the preparations and the Battle of Azure City, enabling for a maybe more experienced response, and maybe less infighting from the nobles.

    What's more, maybe some other details could happen diferently:

    1) Miko is still somewhat loyal to Azure City, and could be offered a deal to fight in the war. I believe that, despite her grudges and exagerations, she might accept, because she still sees herself as the hero and the protector of Azure City.

    2) Hinjo would probably be stationed in the throne room, for whatever that's good for.

    3) Shojo, perceiving the danger for this gate and other gates, might be less inclined to keep on with the oath and try to contact other guardians for help or at least to warn them.
    Last edited by D.One; 2019-07-25 at 08:25 AM.
    Each one of us, alone, is but a drop in the sea
    Our powers pale compared with the great heroes
    Our battles don’t hit theheadlines or shake the earth
    But they are few, can’t be everywhere, and we, many
    So, when the world or universe needs saving, they come
    But when people needs saving, we are the ones to appear
    We're underdogs, but we rise up to the challenge to be heroes.
    (Wishing Joe, a low-powered superhero)

    "I really like the Geek Math'ology we do here"