Quote Originally Posted by CriticalFailure View Post
Girard's paranoia seemed to be primarily directed at his teammates at the time he was building his defenses. He was focusing on how to prevent Soon et al from coming over and dictating to him how to defend his Gate, not on covering every single possible situation. It's decently likely that his defenses wouldn't be well tailored to fight undead. Girard's illusions were his specialty thing, like the Guardian Virus was Lirian's. Obviously he, like Lirian, had other allies to fight against attackers, but it seemed to be implied that his specialty feature was just as weak against undead as Lirian's. Whereas Dorukan's specialty, the pure heart wards, actually held Xykon and Redcloak back effectively for quite a long time even after they successfully took his fortress, and Soon's specialty, the ghost martyrs bound by their oats to come back as positive energy spirits, came damn close to killing Xykon and Redcloak and destroying Xykon's phylactery - they were only stopped by a series of pretty unlikely (un)fortunate coincidences.

"Girard was paranoid" isn't a great reason to assume that Girard was an effective planner who was able to plot out strategies for every possible situation, especially since all of the decisions Girard made out of paranoia seemed to involve him creating gate defenses against his own teammates at the expense of overall effective defense.
Not planning for every possibility =/ not preparing magic that would work against dozens of creature types, if only vampires had any degree of intelligence maybe but we have seen several creature types have enough intelligence to do more than just scream "BRAAAAAAINS!" and I find Girard not thinking of the undead about as likely as him not thinking against goblinoids.

As for Lirian, while I haven't read SoD yet so I don't know her defenses, from what I gather her entire philosophy of defense is based on natural life, something that is completely unable to mount a defense against a high level undead (correct me if I'm wrong), while based on Girard's abilities he could reasonably be able to make some illusions against the undead or clerics with True Seeing.