She blinks and....gets on Nelnines back, hoping that she doesn't weigh too much to start hurting him.

He perfectly okay with this. After all, its not him thats dying from a lack of air.

Team Jade:
Pinappla and Jade were evading their gunfire narrowly with uncanny skill and prediction, much faster than normal humans even at 50 PL. Jade observes this weakness of theirs and begins planning to do this when Masala from behind her katchin shield snarls
"I'm tired of this! We should just kill them all and be done with this!"
"Thats the Warlord's plan we should not-"
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT PLANS! Right is right and wrong is wrong! They took my mom! They want to kill my other mom! Screw them! I'm not gonna be bound by the rules someone else has to follow! This is getting us nowhere, and I'm going to get her back, screw the consequences!"
"I agree! Who cares about the Veru'nas? Lets just rescue them and go home."
Jade swears internally. The Majins were getting impatient and were starting to fire explosives at the Veru'nas soldiers to destroy their armor and their flesh.
"Stop, we need to work as a team, and there is no I in it!"
"Yes, but there is a ME!"
Frack, she has a point. That idiom is stupid. But then again idioms are only one letter away from idiot, so there you go. Jade thinks: how can she work with impatient Majins, no more metalmen, and seemingly increasingly hard Veru'nas making this worse and worse? Thing is, while Batman can work in teams and duos, his primary work is alone. So she sends Pinappla to start hitting them in the snouts to disable them as a distraction while she disappears into the shadows, thinking: this is a ship. They need some kind of circuitry to make this all work: Air, senses, all those functions.

However given that they don't use sight, they can't read. But at the same time they have to some way of doing maintenance on the ship so that its repaired and kept running and so on, but at the same time clearly labeled in some way so that some idiot doesn't mess with the stuff. Its the classic safety procedure problem of clearly labeling something as dangerous so that only experts handle them but you can't always have those things out of place of said idiots, so you need to post up a warning sign so they know not to tamper with it. So how do you find an aliens clearly labeled warning sign if they don't have the same senses? The obvious answer of course is to figure out how to have a similar sense yourself, but humans aren't built to comprehend the information that way.

So Jade starts pressing a button on her batman cowl to flick through the various visions designed into it: infrared, ultraviolet, x-Ray, thermal, that sort of thing to check to see if there are things that stand out in some oddly orderly manner as if its designed to be a symbol of something. Because a ship like this has to have a lot of safety procedures to work so that you don't die, and you probably can't remember all of them, so some things probably require instructions and warnings. Her time on a ship like the Shenron has taught her these things and she knows enough to recognize what does what to some extent, but Beryl knows more.

"Why of course you will Spoon. You are proof that even the lowliest of beasts can earn redemption in my light! Echo it all you like, Isn't that right, Suleiman?"
The apple he is referring to does not answer.
"Good point, Suleiman. I should start."
He stands up and begins broadcasting a telepathic message across the universe, his poistion from the world of the Kais letting his the waves carry much farther than usual. He shows up as psychic images in the sky and voices in peoples heads.
Greetings, Universe. It is I, Solitus, Son of the Sun, God of All Gods, King of All Kings, Your Eternal Savior. I have been informed by one of my men that some of your pitiful technology has not been broadcasting my message! This is clearly heresy of the highest order. For what greater crime is there, than hiding people away from me, the True Being, The Most Honest And Perfect Hero In All Of Existence? It is a conspiracy against all the worlds True God, myself. Keeping you all from experiencing salvation at my hand. However I am magnanimous! While the world will soon be purified to make way for my resurrection and the rebirth of existence into a greater form, I will give all the world a chance to spare itself my wrath. Pray to me, praise me, submit to me, tell me of the one who hid me from you, who conspired to keep my Truth hidden and you shall be spared, shall join me in my golden arc to a better world. Even this vile conspirator is not beyond redemption! And I'm nothing if not The Most Reasonable Person That Ever Existed."

He grunts and accepts the hug, but doesn't really hug back? He doesn't really do hugs, and isn't really used to emotions much. He stands up.
"...Shanakan. We need to arrange things to back to a stable existence. I have done a great wrong by unleashing Solitus. Even now, I foresee with Solitus speaking all the world, no amount of interfering with his message will change it: he will find enough people to believe in him by sheer force of probability. and the energy of their prayers and beliefs will act as like a spirit bomb which he will use to resurrect himself rather than attack."
"...As much as it pains me to say it. Your right, at a certain point, what people believe is a matter of statistics. We may not know the specific people that decide to pray to Solitus but even if his followers are far less than even 1% of the universe, it will still be enough. Most people probably won't but small fringe crazy people across entire galaxies can add up- people like conspiracy nuts and self-isolated xenophobic villages- in short people who are just as wrong-headed as Solitus but without the power. I think in some way he is using this moment to gate out anyone sane enough to contradict him."
"and we cannot face him directly. He is too powerful for either of us to fight even when teaming up with others."
"Then let us start weaving a fate where we win, and hope it is enough."
They begin looking into the future to try and figure out how to support the others.

Battle of Heaven: Moving On
As Vodkana, Luxana, and other amkes their way through Heaven, they come across Lagerin and Meta-Tuffle carrying bags of valuables and the incomplete dragonballs trying to escape. They see the coming force of heroes and high tail it the other way while the solitus legion and its jade golems keeps on attacking.