In the morning, Akbar sequester himself as best as he can in arcane meditation. Lord Hanley talks with the "little people" (an ironic term). Zoo takes out a history book from the library. Jean will work to teach some of the concentration exercises Akbar had been teaching him. Haru will take stealthy forays about the library, admissions hall, and up the western passageway to scout for trouble; he was tired of sitting in one spot.

In the afternoon, Haru reads a physics text in the library with Zoo as his escort, who in turn reads more entertaining fare. In the chapel, Lord Hanley will have finished socializing and will have quiet reflection. Winter works on something she has been writing. In the sick room, Jean and Gaye practice some mental resistance exercises they had been learning from Dorn (who no longer is with either of them).

In the evening, after the meal, Gaye goes to bed early in the sick room after being looked at by Winter (who also checked on Javert, and did preventive treatment with Jean). Winter had cast lesser restoration on Gaye to help her body recover faster. Out in the hallway, Zoo will work with Haru on mental resistance techniques.

The party beds down - Jean, Javert, and Gaye in the sickroom; Haru back on guard outside the door with Zoo on a mat sleeping near him; and Akbar, Lord Hanley, and everyone's favorite irascible northman in the chapel.