In the morning, Akbar meditates while Lord Hanley will be talking with Winter ... something about "martial disciplines" or the like. While Haru could've added insight to that conversation, he is giving Zoo a primer on basic theology and a sense of who the "20 Gods of the Inner Sea" are, as per the various shrines in the chapel and with reference to books in the library that have drawings. In the sickroom, Gaye has drawn a rough outline of a body on the wall, and is doing all manner of targeting exercises and point control work with her rapier while Jean works on dark focus meditative weapon drills.

In the library, Winter is in prayer while Lord Hanley and Akbar will conduct "psychic meditation" in the afternoon. Haru will commune with spirits in the library while Zoo goes through cookbooks. In the sickroom, Gaye continues to do targeting pointwork. Jean has switched from aggressive combat training to shadow-fencing and focusing on defense.

After the evening meal and Winter has ordered a physically tired Gaye to bed, but not before they talk shop. The women talk about the lore of life and death, general healing techniques, and creative treatments. Jean works on avoidance training exercises he had been learning from Dorn before the "Switch." In the hallway, Björn comes out to keep his other two friends company, with Haru and he having a rousing discussion on spell mechanics, and what had Jean taught them both previously.
Spoiler: Haru, Björn
Jean is definitely the most knowledgeable on spell mechanics, spell theory, and types of castings and manifestations. Haru is a little behind, but enough to note Jean as the definite expert. Björn has given to as much focus as Haru, but just doesn't come close to his brilliance, so he seems to be farther behind Haru in Spellcraft than Haru is from Jean.
Bored of that discussion, Zoo goes to the side and practices his shifting. Lord Hanley goes to the library for the evening, with Akbar as his escort, before the two of them return, collect Björn, and go back to the chapel to retire for the night.