Quote Originally Posted by Drache64 View Post
Just curious if anyone else has witnessed the evil of Lawful Good characters attempting to smite evil...

What I commonly see (as player and DM) is Lawful Good characters act out against players who don't meet their alignment in an evil way.

Party of Lawful Good characters and a true neutral character are traveling with an NPC, the NPC steps on a trap and dies. The neutral player shrugs "sucks to be him" and loots the pockets of the dead man.

The Lawful Good player plants an axe in the back of the neutral players skull. People without empathy are evil they reason...

Example 2:
A dragon born lawful good paladin introduces himself to a chaotic evil Bard. The Bard explains he doesn't believe in religion. The paladin uses detect alignment and detects the evil in the Bard.. so he runs him through with his sword...

What's your opinion, are they doing it wrong? (I think so)

Do you have any funny stories?
I haven't read through the rest of this thread yet, but I'm pretty sure I can guess what it looks like.

My opinion: This isn't an alignment debate. This isn't "are they being lawful good or chaotic evil"

These are just jerks. The players, not the characters. Jerks using the medium as an excuse to be jerks. There is no point to argue whether they were "doing it wrong" as far as being lawful good goes. They are "doing it wrong" as far as playing in a game goes. "Doing it wrong" as far as being a human being goes. So, yeah, of course they are doing alignment wrong too.

But its not a fault of the alignment system. Its a fault of the players.