"Oh I..." Mossy paused, thinking for a moment. "I mean, you may get distracted, but your curiosity is also really helpful and you still care about us. I've seen how devoted you are to Rocket, and to our mission. You're a good dog."

Mossy smiled to mask the tiny twinge of doubt that had sprung up inside her. What if the Whinnylight was just another pack for Roxan, and she would eventually move on without looking back?

"But, back to Inspiring Cry," she said, shaking her head. "I just get a bad feeling about the way he's been treating Mushy. They go out, then he excuses himself to deal with "Conservatory business" even though his paperwork there is piling up. What's he doing with that time?"

Mossy stayed quiet for a bit as she walked. You were now getting closer to the heart of Ankhera, music booming ahead, the silhouettes of the great skyscrapers visible in the blue glow.

"I don't like to look for the bad in ponies but... do you think Inspiring Cry might be seeing another mare?"

"No, I haven't told this to anypony else in a while," Morakrut said, pulling the door to the cave closed. "And actually, Kazakar might be a little cross I even told you. But he's not my lord, and you seemed decent enough. Now..."

Morakrut closed her eyes and with a sigh let out a thin stream of sparkling green magic. She shivered and visibly shrank an inch or two as this happened, coat becoming a little more ragged than glossy. The magic snaked through the air and back into Nessy.

"If you find anything about Kazakar, come tell me. Stay sharp, little ponies." With this, Morakrut bounded off down the tunnel to Ankhera, melting into the shadows.

OOC: Nessy not longer has the [Gave a Taste of Magic] aspect.