Quote Originally Posted by Geno9999 View Post
Expansion has launched! Results of 54 packs from 5000 Gold, 3 Tavern Packs, and 1 Arena pack:

Spoiler: Answer: a giant pile of sand
Free Quest: Activate the Obelisk

Legendaries: Bazaar Burglary, Supreme Archaeology, Hack the System, King Phaoris

Epics: 1x Shadow of Death, 1x Plague of Murlocs, 3x Diseased Vulture, 1x Mischief Maker, 1x Blatant Decoy

Rares: 8x Hidden Oasis (6 Normal, 2 Gold), 1x Overflow, 3x Ramkahen Wildtamer, 1x Hyena Alpha, 1x Swarm of Locusts, 3x Arcane Flakmage, 2x Dune Sculptor (1N, 1G), 1x Brazen Zealot, 2x Salhet's Pride, 3x Pharaoh's Blessing, 2x Holy Ripple, 4x Wretched Reclaimer, 1x Sahket Sapper, 1x Weaponized Wasp, 2x Earthquake, 2x Mogu Fleshshaper, 2x Expired Merchant, 3x Plague of Wrath, 3x Tomb Warden, 4x Neferset Ritualist, 2x Quicksand Elemental, 1x Conjured Mirage, 2x Sunstruck Henchman, 4x Khartut Defender (3N, 1G), 2x Wrapped Golem.

Amusingly, I am 4/5 of the EVIL's quests, and have gotten zero of the new League of Explorers' cards.
Congrats! 4 legendaries in 50 packs is a pretty strong showing.

I just finished my second round of pack openings, compiled stats here:


Bonus Legendary - Unseal the Vault
Bonus Golden Legendary (Preorder) - Bazaar Burglary
Bonus Golden Legendary (Preorder) - Colossus of the Moon

227 Packs
001 - Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
031 - Elise the Enlightened
062 - Armagedillo
069 - High Priest Amet
072 - Anka, the Buried
083 - Making Mummmies
084 - Siamat
119 - Raid the Sky Temple
141 - Supreme Archaeology
166 - Dinotamer Bran
171 - Zephrys the Great
180 - Hack the System
187 - Reno Relicologist
193 - Activate the Obelisk
201 - King Phaoris
218 - Octosari

Golden Commons: 20
Golden Rares: 15
Golden Epics: 4

Most duplicated common: Hooked Scimitar (25)
Most duplicated rare: Wretched Reclaimer and Plague of Wrath (tied at 11)
Most duplicated Epic: Psychopomp (6)

Missing Legendaries:
Untapped Potential
Sir Finley
Corrupt the Waters

Missing Epics: 21

Cost for full collection after packs: 14,800 dust

Round two went really well. 8 legendaries in the 94 packs from batch two. In this opening I got no doubles, and no goldens, but still wound up what I feel like is pretty well above average (227 packs should average around 13 legendaries, I got 16). Overall I wound up with 14 epics unusable due to being more than 2, if the same rule that applies to legends applied to epics I'd only be short 7 epics of a full collection. So that feels pretty good.